Bowling Green Arts Council, in partnership with Downtown Bowling Green, is proud to announce Art Walk 2024, an art show in which businesses throughout historic downtown Bowling Green will host artists’ displays and performances.
Eligibility and Requirements
Anyone living within 50 miles of Bowling Green is eligible to participate. Artists may display works in any size or medium as space and amenities of the chosen venue allow. Work must be‘ family-friendly ’and acceptable by the venue. All work must be properly presented (i.e., framed, mounted or matted, with a hanging device if needed). Please also provide a label (Name, Title, Medium, Price or NFS), and let us know if you need an easel or a table for your artwork at the Library Display.
Each artist must meet with their merchant at least one week prior to the event. Artists or their representatives are strongly encouraged to be present at the venue from 11am until 3pm to talk to visitors about their work and to conduct sales.
One work should be brought to the Wood County District Public Library between 9:15-10 am for the jury review, 251 N Main St, Bowling Green Bowling Green. Set-up at the merchant location is from 10-11 unless you have made early arrangements with your venue. All artists are invited to the After Party (at the Library) from 3:30-4:30, for refreshments and awards. Brochures listing all artists/locations will be distributed throughout the area.
Entry Fees
Individual Artists – Entry fee of $20. BGAC member artists $15 (25% discount).
Non-profit Organizations – Entry fee of $20 if profit from any sales exclusively benefits the organization and not the individual artists.
Entries due April 12. Registration must include all required information and payment.
By Mail: Download and print the form at Mail your completed form with a check payable to Bowling Green Arts Council to BGAC, P.O. Box 555, Bowling Green, OH 43402
Businesses throughout historic downtown Bowling Green will host galleries and events. A list of businesses that are interested in hosting will be posted on the website with contact information at on or before April 10. Updates will be made as new venues are identified. Some venues may host more than one artist. It is the responsibility of the artist to find a venue that works for you – but we will help if you need it.
Venues Businesses throughout historic downtown Bowling Green will host galleries and events. A list of businesses that are interested in hosting will be posted on the website with contact information at under Art Walk, on or before April 1. Updates will be made as new venues are identified. Some venues may host more than one artist. It is the responsibility of the artist to find a venue that works for you – but we will help if you need it.
Entry into Art Walk 2024 is not juried. All paid individual participants (excluding non-profits) will be eligible for awards based on the artwork at the library. 1st – $100, 2nd – $75, and 3rd – $25. Decision of the judges is final. People’s Choice Awards will be given based on popular vote: 1st – $100, 2nd – $75, 3rd – $50. All awards will be announced at the After Art Walk Party.
You may sell your artwork during Art Walk. No commission will be taken by BGAC, Downtown BG or participating venues. Work will not be insured.
If you have digital images of your work that you would like us to use in our promotional materials, please email them to and Please include your permission for us to use the photo to promote the event.