Minutes from BGAC Meeting
November 9th, 2021 – 6:30 PM
Bowling Green Beerworks
322 N. Grove St.
Members Present: Jacqui Nathan, Marilyn Schrude, Jane Vanden Eynden, Lloyd Triggs, Flannery Murnen
Oct. 12th, 2021 minutes—Jacqui moves; unanimous ayes
Treasury Report
No report
Committee Reports
- Artists 4 Animals
- Deadline extension to 11/15
- An issue on google submission form
- Could not enter student’s name
- So far there have only been submissions from 9-12 grade participants and adults
- talk to BGCS and see about “missing” K-5 and 6-8 entries, Lloyd can you follow up on this?
- Check with Nikki Myers and Noreen, Ms. Hilton (new ceramics teacher @ BGHS)
- Volunteer sign-up sheet was passed around
- check email for e-copy
- Opening will be 5:30pm-7:30pm
- How should we display everything? *
- Maybe run a slideshow for any electronic pieces
- Borrow some equipment from School of Art
- Putting together food for volunteers
- Kabob it?- follow up
- Small prints for sale
- Sell @ Beerworks, Grounds?
- Press release
- Robin, can you do this?
Old business
- Bylaws—See Bylaws Draft from email, still in process
- Jacqui, Flannery, Robin met 11/2/21
- We can have another subcommittee meeting on the bylaws to refine
- Pay more attention to defining roles of committees and committee members
- Should we add a Board of Directors?
- no less than five, no more than 11
- each has to be a member of at least one committee
- elected at annual meeting for 3 year term
- cannot serve more than two consecutive 3 year terms
- July will be the annual meeting, where bylaw changes will be voted on
- Any director that misses 3 meetings unexcused will be resigned
- 1/3 of Board of Directors present shall constitute a quorum
- Should we add a membership committee?
- Marilyn suggests adding distribution of minutes to the duties of secretary
- to be posted on website
- Adding electronic report required of the treasurer
- to be posted on website
- Subcommittees must report minutes to secretary
- Alleyway project
- Follow-up with Rachel and Jeff: Did we get the funding?
- Funding opportunities
- Community Foundation Grant
- No further news, as of yet
- Grant application to Chamber of Commerce
- Community Foundation Grant
New Business
- Having issues accessing the website to make updates
- Follow up with Tom about this
Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting– Dec. 14th, Location TBD