July 2014

July 2014

Bowling Green
Arts Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

In Attendance: Amy Batchelder (webmaster), Randy Bennett, Craig Blair, Kelsey Kleine, Alice Calderonello, Beth Genson, Meredith Myles, Brenda Baker, Marilyn Shrude, Richard Gullett, Jacqui Nathan, Deb Shaffer.

I. Approval of June Minutes: Jacqui motioned; Marilyn seconded; approved unanimously

II. Committee Reports
First Friday /Gallery Hop – The next Second Thursday Gallery Hop is
tomorrow (Thursday, July 10); art is hung or is being hung in anticipation
of the opening reception for the July show, which is from 5-7. Music will
be provided from 6-7 and wine, appetizers will be available for attendees.

The August Gallery Hop will occur on Thursday, August 14th from 5-7.
Marilyn Shrude will secure music; and it is possible that Deb Shaffer will also be providing entertainment during the reception, courtesy of the Black Swamp Players.
The August Gallery Hop is the reception for the winners of NOWOH
Community Art Show; the show will open on Thursday, August 14th. Dates for
artists: Winners drop off art at Myles Baker Street on Saturday, August 9 between 12- 3. Art is to be picked up on Saturday, August 30th between 12-3.
***Members of BGAC are asked to come at 4:00 on Wednesday, August 13th
to help hang the show. The regular meeting will commence at 5:30.

Artist for Animals – No further information at this time.

Treasury Report- No report

Executive Committee- No report

Sandwich Stroll- BGAC has been asked by Barb Ruland (who has been in contact with BGSU re Graduate Orientation planning for August) whether it
would be possible to sponsor an additional Sandwich Stroll in conjunction
with grad orientation. Questions were asked regarding who would sell tickets, and when. There was sufficient interest so that Beth, who brought the proposal to BGAC, was asked to pursue it further to get details. Kelsey
suggested that, along with the Sandwich Stroll Booklets, cards with the BGAC
event schedule and web address might be distributed.

Art Walk- Follow up meeting was held; collaboration will continue.

III. Old Business

Gallery Hop Art Tours Brenda suggested that for future Gallery Hops, lists
of works of art be distributed so that people can conduct self-guided tours in
BG. Some possible ideas: murals, purchase awards, BGSU Campus art,
Simpson Garden park art.

Website possibilities – Beth mentioned various possibilities that the BGAC
website affords: a regular e-newsletter; social network connections; a more
robust posting of events on the monthly calendar. Kelsey is interested in
helping with any/all of the possibilities. To that end, she, Beth, Brenda, and
Amy will meet to iron out details. Brenda will continue the BGAC Facebook
Page. All arts organizations (Black Swamp Players, the BG Fine Arts Gallery,
the College of Music, etc.) are encouraged to send events to be posted on
the website calendar. The address: info@BG ArtsCouncil.com.

IV. New Business – Deb Shaffer, representing theatre arts, talked about future
possibilities. BG has two community theatre organizations, Black Swamp
Players (Deb is president of their Board) and LionFace Productions. Deb was
enthusiastic about theatrical performance accompanying music at upcoming
BGAC receptions. She also wondered whether other arts organizations in BG
might be able to make use of downtown space that Black Swamp Players
may rent in the future.
To better plan future events that include performing and visual arts, the next
BGAC meeting will be devoted to planning the 2014-2015 event schedule.
(This schedule may include an “art in the park event” at Simpson Garden
Park next summer.)