February 2022

Minutes from BGAC meeting

February 8th, 2022

Grounds for Thought Annex

Members present: Jacqui Nathan, Marilyn Shrude, Robin S. Gerrow, Jane Vanden Eynden, Dave Saneholtz

Jan. 11th, 2022 Minutes:

  • With corrections to spelling of Marilyn’s name, Jane moved; Marilyn seconded, minutes approved.

Treasury Report:

  • Artists for Animals revenue from entry fees and card sales was $510.11 while expenses before any donation to the Humane Society were $397.48 resulting in a profit of $112.63. There are still cards at The Art Depo.
  • Less than half of people shown on our membership list paid dues last year.
  • 2021 annual forms were filed with IRS on 2/3/2022 and Ohio Attorney General Office on 2/4/2022.
  • Chamber Membership ($150) for 2022: Robin moved, Jane seconded, motion approved

Committee Reports

  • Artists 4 Animals, pickup on Mon. 24th rescheduled to the 31st due to Beerworks being closed. Tom and Robin were present for pickup @Beerworks, and arranged for the two remaining artworks and the TV return – thanks! Beerworks was sold and will now be Brewing Green. We do not know if there will still be a space for art.
  • Art Walk meeting at 10am on Thursday, Feb. 10 at Downtown BG office. Jacqui and Robin will attend.
  • Alleyway Project
    • Robin attended meeting 2/7/22 (others on the committee: Rachel Phipps, Jeff Dennis, Tony Vetter and Flannery).
    • The City will pay for structural work such as wall repair and lighting.
    • The grant from the Community Foundation will provide about $10,000 toward the art, and the Downtown BG Foundation will administer the funds.
    • The plan has changed from a mural to a city-built pergola, with art panels along the sides.
    • Once the scale/structural parameters have been decided by the committee, BGAC will develop a call for proposals (request for qualifications) and also a fundraising plan for additional art funds as needed in coordination with The Parklet Project and Downtown BG.
    • RFQ will be regional – either Wood/Lucas or NW Ohio.
    • Fundraising – need a structure for the message
    • Dave: A possible funding source may be AA Green Realty – Al/Steve Green_ as they have funded a sculpture
    • Marilyn: Maintenance issues must be considered. Has a partnership with the Historic Commission been considered? Robin: Heather (Mayor’s office) has been consulted.

Old Business

  • Bylaws
    • Jacqui, Flannery, and Robin will meet before the next meeting and bring a draft proposal to the members for discussion/changes/approval.
    • All artists from past events will receive an invite to join (Jacqui)
  • Membership
    • Marilyn will send a revised email list
    • Robin would like to develop a new membership structure, subbing “Patron” for “Business’ membership ($100) and reducing costs for artists, as discussed at our last meeting. She will write it up and bring it to the next meeting for approval. Megan Newlove has offered to help with prospects.
    • Robin suggested a ‘Home in a Haiku’ poem contest about BG to encourage better social media following, with $25 monetary or GC awards from local businesses.

New Business

  • Facebook: Tom is having problems accessing. It may be that Jacqui and/or Marilyn can help with this.

Meeting adjourned– Marilyn moves, Jane seconds

Next Meeting– Mar. 8th, Location TBD