Minutes from BGAC Meeting
September 8, 2022
Attendance: Robin Gerrow, Tom Gerrow, Marilyn Shrude, Lloyd Triggs,
Jacqui Nathan, Jeff Dennis
Meeting Called to Order & Welcome 6:40pm
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Treasury Report: No report
Committee Reports
Alleyway Project
- Jeff: Juniper event went well. The change in the Alleyway
Project grant due to complications with the Dogleg alley
originally proposed was accepted by the Community
Foundation. Dogleg Alley did not work out as owners were
worried about the costs. Nick, a consultant to the BGSU
entrance renovation, asked to comment on the revised
project. Jeff spoke with the Mayor, and BGSU Utilities
may do the project lighting. The Rescue Plan funding is still
undecided. - Robin met with Rachel Phipps, Megan Newlove and Ellen
Smith last week regarding this project. - Marilyn commented on the recent ‘Downtown Forward’
article in the Sentinel. She noted that BGAC should strive
to be involved with this initiative, ‘Reimagining Rural
Regions,’ which is a partnership between the City and the
Center for Regional Development at BGSU.
Collateral Materials
- Robin: We now have window decals, business cards and
postcards are on their way to the printer. T-shirts are in
process.BGAC will be using MailChimp to communicate
with membership. - A rolling membership was proposed and approved. BGAC
now has about 19-20 paid members. Robin will solicit
downtown merchants with a membership request letter. - Jacqui will distribute cards at the next Arts Roundtable
meeting at BGSU.
Old Business
Bowling Green Community Foundation – grant proposals due 10/14.
- Robin: introduced the possibility of using the “Art Share” model
proposed by Springboard, which utilizes a juried process to
commission a set number of pieces by several artists, and then sells
shares to the community. Those participating by buying shares will
receive the artwork 2-3 times per year at an event. Shares might sell
at a fixed price…for example $350.00. We would start with a goal of
20-25 shares. The BGCF grant could be used to fund the initial startup costs for this project.
- Daniel Bennett Schwartz exhibition at BGSU
- DMA Music series: Discover Music At____________(various venues
in the area) - Send announcements of arts events to Tom for the homepage
Next meeting October 12, 2022. Location TBA