Minutes from BGAC Meeting
March 15th, 2022
Grounds for Thought Annex
Members present: Jacqui Nathan, Robin S. Gerrow, Tom Gerrow, Jane Van Eynden, Dave Saneholtz, Flannery Murnen
Feb. 8th Minutes
- Robin moves to approve amended minutes; Tom seconds, Approved.
Treasury report
- 4700 in checking
- 2 bills paid this quarter
- Donation to WCHS
- BG Chamber of C dues
- 3 membership payments for this year
Committee Reports
- Art Walk May 14th
- Art Walk meeting 3/16/22
- Call for Artists went out
- Should be news release going out soon
- Flamingos will go out
- Any volunteers?
- Perhaps Lloyd could help get out the word on this?
- Alleyway Project
- Meeting was 3/13/22
- Architect renderings and decisions by city done by artwalk
- 2 new parklets out on main by artwork
- After art walk, announcement of the project with a little afterparty and refreshments
- Expecting BGAC to do more of the art portion, and not so much of the fundraising portion
Old Business
- Bylaws
- Robin, Jacqui, and Flannery met 3/11
- Latest update of the draft submitted to meeting attendees
- Attendees offered alterations
- Dave moves that we vote; Jane seconds; Approved.
- New locations for displaying artwork for shows
- Community center, vacant storefronts; Like pop up stores
New Business
- Proposed membership structure (see document)
- Presented to meeting attendees
- Members proposed additional changes and ideas
- Potential advantages for artists, patrons, etc.
- Along with membership proposal, perhaps looking at details like providing an application for artists to send information to Tom for website
- Placing minimums as dues instead of definitive due amounts
- Honing in on the perks for artists
- Firefly Nights
- Reach out to the Firefly team, find out what opportunities there are for sponsorship
- Community Grant Project
- Due March 27th
Meeting Adjourned– Flannery moves, Jacqui seconds
Next Meeting– April 12th, Location TBD