Bowling Green
Arts Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday June 11, 2019
Members in Attendance: Jacqui Nathan, Craig Blair, Alice Calderonello, John Calderonello, Jane Vanden Eynden, Candace Weis
Approval of May minutes: moved by Craig; seconded by Jane . Approved.
Treasury Report –Huntington Bank Balance: $ 4,288.57
Balance reflects $40 in membership fees.
Committee Reports
Art in the Park- Was a great success; Ivan estimates that over 300 people attended. All reports are positive, including David Dupont’s article in the BG Independent News. The first place $50 gift certificate from Art Supply Depo for the people’s choice favorite plein air painter was awarded to Branna O’Dea; the second place people’s choice is to be announced. Candace suggested that next year identifying numbers for plein air artists be placed on sticks (to be put in the ground) rather than on tags with strings so that those numbers can be more readily seen.
Approximately 12 BGAC members and friends had a celebratory dinner at Sunset Bistro after the event; Prudie Brott presented BGAC with a check for $ 412,
her generous contribution of a portion of her proceeds from that evening.
Date tentatively set for next year’s Art in the Park: Friday, June 12th. Alice will contact Ivan to confirm.
NowOH 2019- Friday, June 28th is the opening reception, 7- 9 pm. Saturday, June 22nd is art drop off, from 11 am – 3 pm. Registration materials available on the Now OH website ( . NowOH Award sponsorship: BG Arts Council voted to support a $100 award for the 2019 NowOH show. Candace moved; Jane seconded. Approved.
Artists 4 Animals – Will occur in November. Planning will begin at the September BGAC meeting. Jacqui will contact Wendy Chambers and secure the space at 4Corners; Jane has volunteered to be juror. It is hoped that an ethnic music ensemble from BGSU will provide entertainment through faculty contact, advisor Chris Witulski.
Old Business
Internet/Website/Social media- gaining followers. Good job!
IRS – Jacqui has sent in postcard to IRS for tax purposes. (Thank you, Jacqui)
New Business – Because so may people are out of town during the summer, the July and August BGAC meetings are again canceled. Moved by Alice ; Seconded by Craig. Approved.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 10, 2019