Minutes from BGAC meeting
January 11th, 2022 ⎼ 6:30PM
Members present: Jacqui Nathan, Marilyn Schrude, Robin S. Gerrow, Tom Gerrow, Flannery Murnen
Dec. 14th, 2021 Minutes— Marilyn moved; Tom seconded
Treasury Report:
- $120 from Artists for Animals
- Tom moves to Send $100 to WCHS; seconded by Robin; approved.
- Our running Balance is ~4903.71
- Slight shrinkage from last year by about $120
Committee Reports
- Artists 4 Animals, ends on 21st of Jan.
- Pickup on Mon. 24th
- Tom and Robin will be present for Pickup @Beerworks
- 50+ Shades of Grey postponed till next year
- Art Walk
- New May 14th date should be approved?
- Marylin moves, Flannery seconds; Approved.
- Alleyway Project
- 1st fundraising meeting tentatively 2/7/22
- Potential for in-person public forum
- Perhaps a simple survey for BG independent and Sentinel to put out, and get community input
- Post the survey on social media as well
- Tom to take that over
- How much money would we need in order to commission a piece?
- Lloyd to confer with Gordon on this
Old Business
- Still working on bylaws
- Jacqui, Flannery, and Robin to meet 1/18/22
New Business
- Figuring out a new gallery space for art shows
- Simpson Building or Community Center would be good spaces
- Perhaps a summer project with the parks
- Painting utility boxes?
- Get the high school students involved?
- The website NEEDS to be updated
- PHP needs to be updated; Tom will handle this
- Surveying/Focus group of some of the working artists in town who haven’t been involved in arts council
- What would they like to see us do to help support them better and bring them in?
- Trial restructuring of our membership
- Getting business members or patron members as a separate tier from artists
- Artists could be part of it for free or reduced cost
- Helping them with websites or sales of their work
- Maybe we allow them to do weeklong social media takeovers
- Get them involved outside of meetings
Meeting adjourned– Marilyn moves, Flannery seconds
Next Meeting– Feb. 8th, Location TBD