December 2015

December 2015

Bowling Green
Arts Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

In Attendance: Marilyn Shrude, Deb Shaffer, Beth Genson, Alice Calderonello, John Calderonello, Craig Blair, Jacqui Nathan, Nancy Stonerock, Kitty Pattay, Kelsey Kleine, Richard Gullett

I. Action Items
Beth Genson was Acting President, standing in for Brenda. The group
discussed whether to file the easy form (1023) with the IRS to attain 501C3 tax exempt status.
The status would allow BGAC to apply for grants and to
receive donations, which donors could deduct. Moved by: Craig;
seconded by Kelsey. Approved unanimously.
In relation to the above decision, the group also approved $469.90 in
expenses, $400 of which are the cost of filing. Moved by: Alice; seconded
by Jacqui. Approved unanimously.

II. Committee Reports
Art in the Park – Alice, John, and Kelsey met with Ivan last month. Ivan
requested an idea of what was done last year and where these events/items
took place in the park. John passed around a large map of Simpson Garden
park marked with last year’s events/items and also some suggestions for
future possibilities. BGAC membership will discuss 2016 programming in the future. Other items discussed: the length of 2016 Art in the Park (5-7 or
expanded hours?); securing (a) contributing sponsor/s to underwrite advertising and promotion; how sponsors will be attributed (major sponsors will be BGAC and BG Parks and Recreation; other contributors will be listed).
Ivan will be attending next month’s meeting to discuss the event with BGAC.

50+ Shades of Grey – Alice, Jacqui, and John met with Denise and her staff.
Additional railing will be installed in the dining room so that all four walls
can accommodate art. Due to space/facility limitations, the exhibit will
be 2-D only. John, Craig, and Richard have all volunteered to help hang
the railing some time in January. Kitty has offered to provide a guest
book so that those who attend can sign in.
Jacqui provided copies of the updated prospectus for distribution when
Beth notifies BGAC members that the website is up and running.

**** A sign up sheet for members to help with hanging the show, etc.
will be provided at the next meeting. The schedule for the show is
reproduced again below.

Treasury Report – Balance as of December 2015 is approximately $870.05.
The group voted to approve the Treasury Report (see also non-profit discussion above), including expenses.
Moved by: Deb; seconded by Jacqui. Approved unanimously.
Kitty mentioned the possibility of membership cards for those who are
paid members of BGAC. Deb offered to provide postcards that can be printed.
Kelsey also drafted a membership letter, which she passed around, and
included a modest fee for printing/postage of such letters ($4.90) in the

Artists for Animals – An artist reported a crack in the glass on her frame;
Jacqui reported that it appears to be a stress fracture and has offered
to provide a piece of replacement glass.

Web Site – $76.32 was paid for domain transfer and a year of hosting on Green Geeks. Brenda continues to work hard on the new design; the web site
should be up and running by January 1st. Beth will send a press release about
the upcoming show (50+ Shades of Grey) as soon as the web site is operative.

Bylaws – BGAC members briefly discussed the Bylaws and voted to approve
them. Moved by: Craig; seconded by Kelsey. Approved unanimously.

**next month’s meeting will begin at 6:00 so that new officers can be

50+ Shades of Grey Time Table
Dates of Show February 5th – March 3rd
Information/materials on web site Friday, January 8th
Entry Deadline Friday, January 22nd
Artists Notified of acceptance Tuesday, January 26th
Art Intake Tuesday, February 2nd 4 -6 pm
Hanging Show Wed-Thurs Feb. 3rd and 4th 4-7 pm
Show reception Friday, February 5th 5-7 pm
Art Takedown Friday, March 4th 4- 6 pm
(*Nancy Stonerock will be the Center for art intake; she has been designated as in charge of intake, although one or two other BGAC members will be there to assist her.)

THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE ON Tuesday, January 12th at 6:00