CSA Artist Application

BGAC Community Supported Art - Artist Application

Much like Community Supported Agriculture and farmers’ markets connect producers to people who love local food, a Community Support ART program aims to connect artists in our community to those who appreciate local art.

An art CSA is a way to give artists new economic opportunities while offering patrons new experiences and a way to appreciate how artists from all disciplines enrich our community. Our goal is to build lasting relationships between creators and consumers introducing artists to potential collectors and supporters.

BGAC artist members (information about becoming a member is here) are invited to submit a proposal for 30 pieces of artwork for which they will receive $900. Previous artist participants must wait two years before reapplying. The proposal should consist of original artwork, not currently available for purchase.* The body of work should be similar and consistent in quality and design.

Artist members 16 years of age and older are encouraged to enter. Artwork will be reviewed by a selection committee, and six artists will be chosen. To apply for consideration in the Bowling Green Arts Council’s CSA program, BGAC artist members should submit the following materials via email to bowlinggreenartscouncil@gmail.com by March 27, 2024.

Samples of your current work:

  • VISUAL ARTISTS: 8 jpeg images of past or current work, at 72 dpi, 900 pixels or less in the longest direction.
  • MUSICIANS: 3 MP3 audio files (images must also be included to illustrate format and packaging)
  • PERFORMING ARTS – VIDEO: Please provide links to 3–5 video examples of your work hosted at an
    outside site. For example: YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
  • WRITERS: Please provide 3–5 writing samples in either PDF or Word doc format.

Artist’s statement:

A brief artist’s statement and proposal for the work you would create for the project. Why is this work a good fit for the BGAC Community Supported Art program? (One page max)

Selected artists will be notified on or before April 1, 2024.


Selected artists will be asked to provide a piece of the proposed work before the contract is completed.

Proposed work must be completed by July 17, 2024.

Please contact us if your work sample documentation does not fit the suggested formats.

Half of the $900 stipend will be available upon acceptance of the artist contract, with the other half payable on delivery.

The stipend award is intended to assist with the production costs of the pieces.

Work should be easily transportable and fit into a 12″ x 12″ container.

For questions regarding the program or application process contact Robin Gerrow.

*The chosen artwork can be recreated and sold by the artists after a period of four months after the CSA event.