February 2014

February 2014

Bowling Green
Arts Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

In Attendance: Alice Calderonello, Beth Genson, Jacqui Nathan, Marilyn Shrude, Richard Gullet, Meredith Myles

I. Approval of January Minutes: Deferred until March meeting

II. Committee Reports
a. First Friday- The February 7th First Friday was well-attended and was, as usual, beautifully catered and accompanied with lovely music.
The reception time continues to be 5:30 – 7:00; three works of art from
the show have been sold, two on opening night.
b. Artists for Animals- Beth will send a 2nd press release; Jacqui will resend
notices to area art teachers and to undergraduate art students.
c. Treasury Report- profit of $20 after paying for catering of opening
reception, with $25 more expected.
d. 501c3k app- Craig and Jacqui met; Craig has completed most of the
application, but needs some budgetary information; Brenda is seeking
the assistance of a lawyer (pro bono) to look over the application before
it is submitted.
e. Sandwich Stroll- Thus far, $330 from Stroll booklets sales has been
turned in, with more to come. Beth has made a radio announcement,
and other individuals have announced the Stroll at organizations such as
Kiwanis and the Exchange Club.
f. Art Walk- A press release has been published in the Sentinel. The artist
application form is almost completed and should be ready by the end
of the week.

Old Business
Gallery Hop and First Thursdays – After discussion, the group made the following decisions:
1) There will be only three First Thursday/Gallery Hops on June 5, July 3,
and August 7, from 6-8 pm.
2) BGAC members will distribute a form to potential participants in person.
Jacqui Nathan is bringing a draft of the form to the next meeting. The
form will require participants to check the dates they wish to participate,
describe any special arrangements (e.g. food, demonstrations, etc,),
provide contact information, etc.
3) An inclusive a list of potential participants will be personally contacted.
These may include: BG Hats and Apparel, Sam B’s, For Keeps, Naslada,
Good to Go, Melt Shoppe, Becketts, the Wood County Public Library,
Happy Badger, Café Havana, Grounds for Thought, Dada, BGSU
Fine Arts Galleries, Coyote Beads, and other venues.
The possibility of having the winners from NOWOH provide the art
for the August 7th show was discussed; as well, the BGAC will promote
NOWOH, and the Fine Arts Gallery will be open on July 3rd during NOWOH
as a participant in the July 3 First Thursday.
BGAC will provide posters, press releases, and announcements on their website to promote the Gallery Hop/First Thursdays.